Nov 23, 2017
Robyn Steward interviews Kabie Brook about the story behind and the reasons for the recent decision to update the Autism front cover imagery.
Nov 22, 2017
Nov 14, 2017
Relationship Matters Podcast Number 76 “Feeling bad when your partner is away”: Dr Nathalie Meuwly discusses her recent study which explores the correlation between attachment insecurity and peoples negative cognitions and dysfunctional affect regulation when faced with potential relationship threats
Nov 14, 2017
Relationship Matters Podcast Number 75 “Responses to intimate partners to attempts to change”: Dr Kieran Sullivan talks about her recent paper on her research on the effectiveness of intimate partners’ attempts to influence health behaviour through social control
Nov 14, 2017
Relationship Matters Podcast Number 74 “Relationship satisfaction and the subjective distance of past relational events”: Professor Anne Wilson discusses her recent study on how current relationship satisfaction impacts on subjective temporal distance of memories