Feb 1, 2022
Following a series of podcasts exploring trainees’ experiences
of the Scholarly Project assessment task, the latest episode of The
Thought Broadcast shifts focus to the Objective Structured Clinical
Examination (OSCE). In response to the imbroglio arising from the
failed delivery of the November 2021 audiovisual OSCE, we speak to
Dr Nick O’Connor – RANZCP board member, and Chair of the Education
Dr O’Connor provides candid responses to questions relating to how
and why the AVOSCE was abandoned, as well as updating listeners on
alternative assessment pathways for affected candidates.
Dr O’Connor also addressed broader issues around bottlenecks in
trainee progression to Fellowship and how the recently commissioned
Australian Council for Education Research report may shape the
future of RANZCP assessments.
Dr O’Connor is interviewed by Trainee Editor Oliver Robertson,
Associate Trainee Editors Bryan Bui and Michael Weightman, and
Deputy Editor Andrew Amos.
(Note: this interview was recorded on 10th December 2021, prior to
the Australian Medical Council’s response to the RANZCP’s
alternative assessment proposals).
Resources: https://doi.org/10.1177/1039856220984034
Music: https://freesound.org/people/ShadyDave/sounds/277375/
Logo: Sidonie Prentice
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to provide a broad public understanding of various mental health
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is available on the RANZCP’s Your Health In Mind Website.