Oct 27, 2015
Relationship Matters Podcast Number 49 “Does being single leave you isolated or integrated?” Natalia Sarkisian and Naomi Gerstel examine the ideas that ‘singlehood makes you lonely’ and ‘marriage integrates you into society’ more closely
Oct 20, 2015
Transcultural Psychiatry Podcast Number 16: Dr Yulia Chentsova-Dutton of Georgetown University discusses her research on cultural context and the associations between anhedonia, depressed mood, and momentary emotions. Posted October 2015. Read the associated full research article
Oct 6, 2015
Relationship Matters Podcast Number 48 “The calm after the storm: Relationship length as associated with couples’ daily variability”. Casey J. Totenhagen from the University of Alabama, USA talks about how the length of your relationship may impact how dramatically it can fluctuate