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Nov 26, 2015

Relationship Matters Podcast Number 51 “Broadening the investment model”. Noam Segal of the University of Illinois explains the investment model, and how it relates to his research on perceived partner responsiveness and attachment

Nov 20, 2015

Author Sarah Trinh speaks with PWQ Editor, Mary Brabeck, about her article "“Enjoy Your Sexuality, but Do it in Secret”:Exploring Undergraduate Women’s Reports of Friends’ Sexual Communications. " Trinh elaborates on her extensive methodology and findings produced from the study.  

Nov 13, 2015

PWQ Editor, Mary Brabeck, speaks with author Elise Holland about her article, "Cute Little Things: The Objectification of Prepubescent Girls," co-authored by Nick Haslam. 

Nov 13, 2015

Author Victor Sojo speaks with PWQ Editor, Mary Brabeck, about his article "Harmful Workplace Experiences and Women’s Occupational Well-being:A Meta-Analysis," co-authored with Robert Wood and Anna Genat. This article is also the winner of the 2016 Georgia Babladelis award, which recognizes the best paper published...

Nov 5, 2015

Patricia Howlin from the Institute of Psychiatry, UK and Julie Lounds Taylor from Vanderbilt University, USA talk about their special issue on autism in adulthood.