Oct 30, 2017
Psychology of Women Quarterly editor Mary Brabeck interviews Psychology professor Dr. Jennifer Katz on the published article "White Female Bystanders' Responses to a Black Woman at Risk for Incapacitated Sexual Assault." This podcast examines the question "who intervenes to help women in distress?", and Dr....
Oct 26, 2017
Relationship Matters Podcast Number 73 “Touch reduces romantic jealousy in the anxiously attached”: Kaylyn Kim talks about her research on touch as a way to reduce romantic jealousy in anxiously attached partners.
Oct 26, 2017
Relationship Matters Podcast Number 72 “Cognitive processes underlying the self-other perspective in women’s judgements of sexual victimisation risk”: Dr Jenny Rinehart discusses her study on how women perceive risk of sexual victimisation for themselves and for others and the cognitive processes involved
Oct 16, 2017
Laura Crane interviews Dr Noah Sasson from University of Dallas, Texas where he is an Associate Professor. They discuss Dr Sasson’s article which looks at peoples first impressions of adults on the autism spectrum and how they are affected by the disclosure of diagnosis.
Oct 13, 2017
Relationship Matters Podcast Number 71 “What does it mean to feel loved?”: Dr Saeideh Heshmati of Pennsylvania State University, explains the findings of her recent study on individual and shared opinions on what makes people feel loved using cultural consensus theory