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Jun 16, 2017

Relationship Matters Podcast 67: Circumnavigating the cost of support: Variations in cortisol as a function of self-efficacy and support visibility: Dr Erin Crockett talks about her study into the visibility of support and its impact on cortisol and stress levels in people with high and low self-efficacy

Jun 16, 2017

Relationship Matters Podcast 66: Changes in older couples’ compassionate love over a year: The roles of gender, health, and attachment avoidance: Dr Allen Sabey discusses his research on the changes in compassionate love in older couples over time as well the impact of health. June 2017, Read the associated...

Jun 16, 2017

Relationship Matters Podcast 65 : “I Love You, Not Your Friends”: Links between partners’ early disapproval of friends and divorce across 16 years: Dr Katherine Fiori discusses her findings on spousal approval of social networks and how this impacts the likelihood of divorce in Black and White couples