Jun 22, 2016
Relationship Matters Podcast Number 58 “Self-disclosure to parents in emerging adulthood: Examining the roles of perceived parental responsiveness and separation-individuation ”: Dr Crystal Jiang from City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong discusses self-disclosure of emerging adults to their parents and it...
Jun 6, 2016
Authors Tawanna T. Gilford and Amy Reynolds discuss their article, "'My Mother's Keeper': The Effects of Parentification on Black Female College Students," along with a participant from the study in their article.
Jun 6, 2016
Nadya A. Fouad, TCP Editor, interviews Joshua M. Bradley, James L. Werth, Jr. and Sarah L. Hastings about their research into social justice advocacy in rural communities.
Jun 6, 2016
Nadya A. Fouad, TCP Editor, interviews Sue Jacobs, Mary Ann Hoffman, and Sharon Bowman about the counseling psychologist's role in natural disasters.
Jun 6, 2016
JCEDM Editor Amy Pritchett talks to Gary Klein about his article, "A Naturalistic Study of Insight" from the December 2011 issue.